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Metabolic Cooking Review

Metabolic Cooking Review – Another Scam ? An Honest And Unbiased Review

Metabolic Cooking Review – Another Scam?

Hey, Nicole here,

And you’re reading my totally uncensored review of what I really thought about Dave and Karine’s Metabolic Cooking. Note that this a metabolic cooking review, if you’re looking for the Metabolic Cooking official website or checking for a special discount then Click here.


metabolic cooking

Why am I writing this? Well, it’s simple really. When I was thinking of getting metabolic cooking there wasn’t even a single authentic and trustworthy review out there so to help others who are in the same boat as I was I decided to write an unbiased review.Though I should warn you; I’ll be looking into the good and the bad and if you don’t want to hear the whole truth you might as well leave now.

So what exactly is Metabolic Cooking?

Metabolic Cooking is a guide which takes a different approach. It doesn’t tell you to work out for countless hours daily and to eat like a newborn. What it does is help you eat healthy. When I say healthy I mean in a turbo charged metabolic rate sort of way. It’s actually a group of 9 cookbooks which lists 250 recipes which skyrocket your metabolism thus helping you lose weight.

Now you might be wondering as to why Metabolic cooking works. I know I was when I was searching for a metabolic cooking review The recipes were designed after years of research, trials, errors and improvements to original recipes by Dave Ruel and Karine Losier.This sweeping search led them to devise a “Metabolic Salience System”. What it does is explains and asks for both info similar your process storey, coefficient disadvantage content (how untold metric you deprivation to regress).Then it asks for your body type i.e. ectomorphic, mesomorphic or endomorphic. Ectomorphic means a typical skinny body. Mesomorphic is more of an athletic body.Mesomophic is a form oily body. It helps you adjudicate exactly what your body typewrite is so no problems there. After you dedicate all this info it leave lot you a Personalized Fasting Plan which is contrastive for every man and spouse.

Another important feature of this system are the “10 Important Rules For Metabolic Cooking” which are found in one of the guide that accompanies the diet plan. These rules have to be followed word by word if you want to achieve success in the least amount of time.

Metabolic Cooking – Cons

Nothing’s perfect and here are the flaws I noticed in this diet plan:

  • As this is a collection of cookbooks so it might seem like a daunting task for someone who inexperienced when it comes to cuisine. It could take a novice a couple of days to get the hang of it.

  • Some of you who are expert fitness trainers might find this a bit too basic but you have to understand that this was written keeping in mind the average Joe who doesn’t know much about weight loss so it covers the basics and then moves onward.

  • There are over 200 recipes in there so it took me quite some time to sift through them all and decide which ones I would like the best – according to my taste of course.

Metabolic Cooking – Pros

  • Simplicity: This is their fault and the reason of their success. The simplicity of the book is outstanding. I didn’t get confused even once. It takes you by the hand and explains everything in detail.

  • Cutting Down on Your Favorite Dishes: Probably the best thing about this system- You don’t have to let go of your favorite dishes. You can eat whatever you want; you just have to follow the guidelines of the book while making it; which by the way, for me improved the taste even more!

  • Limitless Weight Loss: The amount of weight loss depends on you and you alone. You can lose 5 pounds or 50 pounds. Your choice.

  • Economic Factor: This system proved very economical for me. The ingredients in the dishes are pretty cheap and easily available everywhere.

  • Metabolic Nutri-Profile: This is a unique profiling system that designs from scratch a nutritional profile which varies for every person. This is what it looks like:

metabolic cooking coobook

  • Guarantee: Though I don’t see why this system wouldn’t work for you. But if for some reason you are not satisfied they will refund you every cent no questions asked!

Overall, What Do I Think?


Metabolic Cooking for me at least has been nothing less than a blessing. I have been married for three years and am a mother of two beautiful daughters. It helped me boost my confidence immensely and made my husband love me even more. With kids in the house, it helped me become a better mom. So if you are serious about losing that extra weight without losing your favorite food then I definitely feel that Metabolic Cooking is for you! That’s it for my metabolic cooking review.

Hope this metabolic cooking review has helped you.


Click Here To Visit MetabolicCooking’s Website And Check For A Discount On Metabolic Cooking 

Metabolic Cooking Review

Intermittent Fasting And Muscle Building

Two sides are at war in bodybuilding: intermittent fasting and frequent feeding. In this article LJ Walker discusses some of the possible downsides to restrictive eating.

Extremism, extremism, extremism; the wonders of the fitness industry. It never ceases to amaze me how there apparently cannot be a middle-ground when it comes to bodybuilding.

It’s either high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or low-intensity, steady-state (LISS) cardio; it’s either high-carb dieting or no-carb dieting; it’s either over-training or under-training; last but not least, it’s either 9 small meals per day or 1 gluttonous feast per day.

For now, I’d like to zone in specifically on the extreme patterns of intermittent fasting, like alternate-day fasts, and why they really aren’t ideal for people looking to improve body composition, especially those looking to build muscle.

Intermittent fasting taken a bit too far

While intermittent fasting, at it’s core, is certainly an intriguing feeding pattern for human health and longevity, there is a point where one can take this approach a bit too far. People will argue that meal frequency is completely “irrelevant” and believe that essentially starving their body for 24+ hours and then pigging out (e.g. alternate-day fasting) is somehow beneficial.

While acute phases (generally between 8-12 hours) of fasting do have physiological benefits, such as improved insulin sensitivity,blood glucose regulation, growth hormone output, increased adiponectin levels, and others, extreme periods of food abstinence (such as fasting one day and eating ad libitum the next day) may actually induce negative metabolic effects. [1,2,3,4]

Not to mention long-term dietary compliance and applicability don’t really seem feasible for most humans on such extreme feeding patterns; who really wants to go through cycles of starving themselves for a day or two and then bingeing the next? The thing that’s important to keep in mind here is that alternate-day fasting diets “work” for weight loss mainly because they inherently reduce total calorie intake.

It’s not possible that an unshared instrument be competent to “kind up” the artefact day of not consumption by pigging out on supply life, unless they are ingestion several real calorie-dense foods. But again, this activity of supply may in fact bonk disadvantageous ramifications on glucose metastasis, not to name you are greatly limiting your power to shape contractor.


Building muscle while intermittent fasting

On that same note, the rational for alternate-day fasting while trying to build muscle seems somewhat inane given that you are essentially cutting off muscle-building pathways for an entire day and trying to make up for it the next day. This fashion of starving your body one day and then overloading it the next doesn’t necessarily mean all those calories are being put to good use; in fact, your body will probably just store most of the excess energy in preparation for the next “fasting” day as opposed to using it for muscle building.

When you debate that there does indeed seem to be a “cap” to yobbo accelerator synthesis at each ingestion, it doesn’t piddle overmuch sagacity to essentially extent yourself by intake every else day. [5] A much practical attack would be either impulse your accelerator intake throughout the day and then intake somewhat large, comprehensive meals to windup off your calorie condition, or state much shortened with your fast/feed route.

What I would suggest, if you plan to follow a fast-the-feed eating pattern, is to consider keeping the fasting period short enough to get the benefits of fasting, around 8-12 hours, and yet not limit your capacity to build muscle. If your goal is to build muscle, it should seem rather intuitive that extreme periods of food abstinence are probably not conducive to that process.

Just because something “works” doesn’t mean it’s optimal

A last thought to consider before wrapping up this article is that while many things in the health and fitness industry have some sort of merit, this doesn’t entail that such methods are ideal/optimal for your goal(s). This article is not making the claim that you absolutely can’t build muscle by following alternate-day fasting, but rather that it’s probably not as efficient as a less restrictive feeding pattern.

The body is adaptable and can make do with what you give it, but sometimes we can push it a bit too far for our own good. Also, to reiterate, extreme patterns of feeding behavior often lack long-term compliance for a myriad of reasons. So just keep in these things in mind if you plan to follow intermittent fasting eating patterns while building some appreciable muscle.

Intermittent Fasting And Muscle Building

Old Series: 1970s Bodybuilding Routine

Workout Summary

Main Goal: Build Muscle

Workout Type: Split

Training Level: Intermediate

Days Per Week: 6

Equipment Required: Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, EZ Bar, Machines

Target Gender: Male & Female

Author: Steve Shaw

Workout Description

The 1970s was a dynamic era in bodybuilding. Physiques grew in size but also in personality. Many notable legends etched their legacies upon the world of bodybuilding during this decade:

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • Sergio Oliva

  • Frank Zane

  • Franco Columbu

  • Lour Ferrigno

  • Mike Mentzer

It was during this era that training began to aggressively evolve away from full body workouts. Many lifters, including Arnold and Sergio, took the fullbody workout and morphed it into a high volume protocol.

It was not uncommon for these Herculean beasts to train 6 days per week as follows:

  • Monday – Chest and Back

  • Tuesday – Shoulders and Arms

  • Wednesday – Legs

  • Thursday – Chest and Back

  • Friday – Shoulders and Arms

  • Saturday – Legs

  • Sunday – Rest

1970s Bodybuilding Routine

The following workout is based upon the structure listed above. Make no bones about it: this is a brutal, taxing training style. It certainly is not for everyone.

If you analyze flowing a document similar this I strongly advise championship it with copiousness of interruption and substance. If at any example you experience shopworn mastered, train a ended hebdomad departed from the gym.

Understand that this is my variation of a 1970s workout. It’s what I would do if I were training using this template.

Note on the Landmine Press. The landmine press is performed with one end of a barbell secured in a corner, perhaps under the middle of a heavy dumbbell. The lifter presses the other end overhead with one arm.

Chest and Back
Bench Press38-10
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press38-12
Cable Crossovers510-15

Low Rack Pull36-8
Wide Grip Pull Ups515
One Arm Dumbbell Row310-15

Barbell Ab Rollout38-12
Hanging Knee Raise312-15

Shoulders and Arms
Seated Dumbbell Press310-12
Upright Rows310-15
Bent Over Reverse Fly510-15

Cable Tricep Extensions410-15

Barbell Curls48-12
One Arm Cable Curls410-15

Hack Squats310-12
Leg Extensions310-15

Good Mornings38-10
Leg Curls510-15

Seated Calf Raise412-15
Standing Calf Raise412-15

Chest and Back
Incline Bench Press38-10
Chest Dips310-15
Dumbbell Flyes510-15

Barbell Row38-10
Lat Pull Down58-12
Seated Cable Row310-15

Plank360 seconds
Dumbbell Side Bend310-12

Shoulders and Arms
Military Press38-10
Side Lateral Raise510-15
Landmine Press310-12

Seated French Press48-10
One Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extension410-12

Seated Dumbbell Curl410-12
EZ Bar Preacher Curls410-12

Leg Press520
Walking Barbell Lunge310-12
Bulgarian Split Squat310-12

Stiff Leg Deadlifts38-10
Single Leg Curl510-15

Floor Barbell Calf Raise412-15
Leg Press Calf Press

Old Series: 1970s Bodybuilding Routine

Big Reasons Why You're Still Small And Weak

Find out how to improve your gym results by learning the art of patience, properly managing your bulks, evolving your training and setting down your cell phone.

Let’s talk muscle building.

In the article 4 Big Reasons Why You’re Still Small And Weak I informed readers why their gains suck. Here is a summary:

  • Reason 1 – You obsess about your abs to the point where you undereat and restrict progress.

  • Reason 2 – You do not squat or deadlift. In and of itself this is not life or death, but it does reveal a tendency to avoid “hard” things in the gym.

  • Reason 3 – You train like you are on steroids, using advanced programs that might not be best for your recovery rates and training experience.

  • Reason 4 – You don’t obsess about progression. Instead, your gym sessions are simply fancy calorie burning workouts.

Today I want to continue this conversation by presenting you with some additional ways to improve your gym results. So without further adieu, here are another 4 reasons why you’re still weak and small.

Reason #1 – You Aren’t Consistent

Ripped LifterAnd I mean consistent, consistent.

What’s the longest period of time you’ve lifted non-stop while focusing on unrelenting progression of weight? Two Months? 4 months? 6 months? 12 months?

Gains take time. How many of you have remained consistent for 3, 4 or even 5 years? Understand, I am not saying you should never take a week off. This is not the point I am trying to make. Deloads and the occasional week away from training are ok.

What I am talking about here is taking weeks and months away from the gym at a time. This happens more than you think.

I have been around the iron for nearly 28 years now. I see people come, I see people go. But mostly, I see people go. The big “magic” that can be found when analyzing the habits of successful lifters is this: they continue to lift, despite what life deals them.

Symmetric if you aren’t using the perfect software (and I don’t conceive in perfect routines), you testament allay experience caliber gains over time if consistence and motion are in the mix. Patch many of you realise the grandness of imperfect loading, you can’t perceive the motive to drag without absent individual workouts per period, or attractive the summer off every period.

Commit to training 5 years without an extended layoff. Gains take years, not weeks. Build strength during this time. Then report back with a progress picture.

Reason #2 – You Jump Around From Workout to Workout

I see this all the time. A lifter becomes infatuated with finding a magic workout system. They will try something for a week, not like how it feels, and start poking around the Internet.

It’s not long before they find another workout system that tickles their motivation. Soon they rush off to start a new training log, and announce to everyone that they’ve finally “found something that will work great for me!”

After 2 weeks of journal entries, said lifter goes into hiding. Three weeks later they reappear, detailing all the things that went wrong with the new program, and why they decided to make yet another change.

Here’s the thing…you can’t expect a workout system – any workout system – to be perfect for you. Instead of program hopping, make small tweaks to the workout. If it calls for 5 rep bench press sets, but they hurt your shoulder, move to a rep range that feels better. If the program lists dumbbell flyes, but you prefer another equal, but no less effective chest isolation exercise, swap it in.

Breeding evolution is important. It helps you to create your own unparalleled preparation system, based on your specific needs. Consider workouts a play stop. Instead of hopping to another papers when things go wrongdoing, ask yourself what you could transfer to straighten the schedule wreak.

If you don’t learn to evolve your training, you may find yourself caught up in the endless bro cycle: searching for a magic workout one, two and maybe even three years down the road.

Reason #3 – You Bulk, You Cut, You Bulk, You Cut

While related to general undereating, this reason deserves some commentary of its own.

It has become fairly commonplace to see trainees engage upon endless (short) cycles of bulking and cutting. They bulk for 4 weeks, cut for 8 weeks, bulk for 8 weeks, cut for 4 weeks. This is equivalent to trying to go on a long hike, but deciding to go in the opposite direction each time you don’t like the way the terrain looks.

Here’s a word of advice: if your bulks are so aggressive that you manage to gain 20 pounds in 4 to 8 weeks, you’re doing it wrong. Gaining weight this rapidly is foolish.

A natural lifter who is doing it right, and who doesn’t start underweight, typically gains 12 to 15 pounds of muscle during their first year. If you are gaining 20 pounds in a month of course you’re going to look bloated and fat.

Instead of gaining weight this rapidly, slow down and try to gain 20 pounds during your first year. Be patent. A slow, sustained bulk will result in minimal fat gain. The result? You won’t need to jump into cutting diets every 3 to 4 months.

Commit to a 2-3 year bulk, then trim the fat. You will have a ton of muscle, and won’t be spinning your wheels.

Gym Texter

Reason #4 – You Are the Annoying “Gym Texter”

This might ruffle a few feathers, but it might also help a few of you as well.

If you are sitting on a piece of equipment, texting back and forth to no end…you might the annoying gym guy/girl without even knowing it. While texting in and of itself isn’t a crime, lack of focus is. Here is a quote from Dave Tate that you should remember:

If you’re capable of sending a legible text message between sets, you probably aren’t working hard enough.

Consider this for a moment. Are you focused on adding reps to your next set, or are you focused on your buddy’s Facebook comment about Grand Theft Auto V? Focus counts. How you approach your workouts will impact how hard you work.

If you don’t take your training seriously, can you really expect quality results?

And going a step further: taking up space, sitting on a piece of equipment while others are trying to focus is disrespectful. Heck, even texting for 20 minutes straight while others are trying to workout is distracting.

If you have no drive and focus, ask yourself why? If texting is a distraction, commit to setting your phone down for 3 to 4 hours a day.

Bottom line…don’t let anything get in the way of progress. If you lack focus and discipline, it will catch up to you. It always does.

Big Reasons Why You're Still Small And Weak